The Wilderness Issues Data Survey has been put on the website. The purpose of the survey is to provide BCHO with objective, documented information to have future conversations with the Forest Service and other government agencies. The survey is found on the website under the Resources and Forms column. The form can be filled out on line or you can print it out and fill it at camp or on the trail.
I hope this form will go into the same data base that the Forest Service Law Enforcement Officers use. I found in past meetings with the Forest Service personnel we lacked the documented information and data we needed to make our points stand out. Along with the information from the Survey
Rhonda Marquis put out and got excellent feedback, this will help make it harder to argue against our position. Please take the time to fill out these forms for any issues you have on the trail and not just for wilderness areas. If possible provide photos to go with the report. As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words.
Thank you ahead of time for your participation in this project, I can’t overstate the importance it can have for BCHO in the future.
Article by: Duane Miller, President BCHO
Back Country Horsemen of Oregon is a nonprofit organization focused exclusively on ensuring public lands throughout Oregon remain accessible to equestrians. Through our principals we advocate for private recreational pack and saddle stock use of all public lands and the stewardship of those lands. The Back Country Horsemen of America is the only national organization that promotes the use of private recreational pack and saddle stock use on our public lands.